Aidan was so cute over the weekend. On Sunday, after drinking his milk, he ran to me, clearly upset over something. "Mummy! Mummy!" and I asked what's the matter. "My tooth ..... my tooth is shaky" and he burst into tears. I told him it was natural and that he would be getting new teeth because he was growing up just like his sister. Having seen the "drama and trauma" by his older sister and cousin, he probably thinks that dropping a tooth is the most painful thing in the world. So he moped about for the rest of the day.
Tuesday night my mum in law made muffins which when first out of the oven has the most delightful smell even the hardest of dieters cannot resist. "Mummy, if I eat this, will my tooth fall out?" .... I said, "No, because it only started to be shaky on Sunday, at most, it will fall out in a week or two." "OK" and he started eating one and I brewed my cup of tea and continued chatting with him about school. So we chatted and he munched on .... After a while he was intently looking at something that he had in the palm of his hand.
"Mummy, you think this could possibly be my tooth?"
There, in the palm of his hand, was something small, whitish and most definitely looked like a tooth.
I said, " it does look like a tooth but quick, open your mouth so I can see ..."
And true enough, a little gapping hole in between the bottom row of his front teeth.
He then asked through a mouthful of muffin, " Is there blood? a lot of it?"
I said there was but not a lot but more importantly asked, `you did not feel anything right?'
He gave me a huge smile and I think he was really relieved that it was not as horrible as he had imagined. For that I am truly thankful that the first tooth drop experience for him would be a good one and I was there to experience it with him.
19 more to go.
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